About us


Haq Chain is one of Pakistan's largest brand and offers a vast range of gold chain and jewellery which caters to your everchanging needs.

Our History

The legacy of HAQ CHAIN started with a single unit in 1982, with artisans specializing in making handmade jewelry, specifically chains. This was worked upon further till 1985 and a lot of techniques of hand working were researched and developed, further refining our craft.

Then, we started dabbing into chemical and machine driven methods to further enhance not only the quantity but also the quality of our jewelry pieces. We have always put emphasis on innovation and learning new techniques to better suit the changing times and this was especially focused on till 1995.

The CFO and Founder at HAQ CHAIN started from the grassroot level, and learned under jewelers and manufacturers for 11 years before finally taking charge of operations and naming it HAQ CHAIN so that he could do justice to the craft. He oversees the production personally and does not just handle the business side of things to maintain the standard and quality that they started with.

HAQ CHAIN (Designer) have more than 1000 units operating under them today and they are Pakistan’s largest producer of chains and jewelry while they are the 5th largest producer in the world.

They have been maintaining excellence since four generations and hope to maintain the same level of trust always.

About Us

Rediscover your love for chains and jewelry with Haq Chain.
We, at Haq Chain, aim to create timeless pieces of the finest quality painstakingly created by our craftsmen using the latest and innovative techniques in chains and jewelry designs so that you get the best of the world has to offer. Always striving for achieving the best in terms of quality and pricing without compromise so that you can shine your brightest in your important moments.
At Haq Chain we are always searching for new techniques and innovations to create the finest crafted pieces at the best value


Our Mission

We aim to produce jewelry that not only stays with you forever but can always be with you in the big and small moments in the life and helps you out in your needy time because of a good quality and best pricing system.

We strive to always keep improving and innovating so that we can built over the years and to spread our passion for jewelry so you can shine everyday. We want to spread this love not only in Pakistan but throughout the world.

Our Vision

As the leading chains and jewelry making brand in Pakistan and one of the biggest producers of gold chains in the world, we hope to keep creating chains and jewelry inspired from the rich heritage of Pakistan so that the world can appreciate the beauty and history tha Pakistan has to offer and that we can also progress and evolve with time while still keeping in touch with our roots.

We also want to get rid of the misconception that chain and jewelry is only for special occassions and that you can't enjoy it in your everyday life so that you can shine your brightest every day.